Wildlife on the plots

04/10/2019 09:42

As some of you will have noticed we have interlopers on the plots!

There are a couple of rather colourful chickens wandering the plots. (Click for picture)  They seem to spend most time at the north end (Hackness Rd). Nobody has laid claim to them and we have no idea where they have come from. So far they don't seem to havve caused any crop damage and are quite friendly creatures. If there are any poultry lovers amongst you perhaps you could advise us what breed they are, they do seem rather distinguished!

They're not the only interlopers. Pippa managed to snap a picture of a fieldmouse helping itself to her sunflower seeds (Click for picture). All of which leads me to wonder if other allotment holders have any interesting pictures of wildlife on the plots? Perhaps we should have a competition?